The Early Police Department posted the following on its Facebook page Sunday afternoon:
On Saturday at approximately 7pm officers received a call of a reckless driver in the 1100 block of early Blvd. The vehicle had been swerving from lane to lane at high speeds and almost striking other vehicles. Officer Tasha Tobias located the vehicle and attempted to stop the vehicle however the vehicle fled continuing to drive fast and recklessly. Brownwood PD officers attempted to block intersections while the pursuit traveled west through Brownwood. The vehicle traveled into the county and began turning onto county roads and traveling at a high rate of speed. Brown County Sheriff’s deputies and DPS and game wardens assisted in attempting to stop the vehicle. The vehicle drove through a fence on county road 196 and soon crashed into a creek. The driver fled on foot into the pastures at which time he called 911 and told dispatch to tell the officers to quit chasing him or he was going to shoot them or commit suicide by cop.
Officers began building a perimeter where he had been seen between Cheyenne Lane and County road 156. The suspect did fire several shots on several occasions. Officers later located an AK-47 with a broke stock, the suspect also dropped his drivers license while running which identified him as Ryan Christopher Graham from Menard. Officers searched through the night with night vision equipped drones and a DPS helicopter arrived with night vision equipment, but the subject was never found. Graham was seen earlier with a pistol, so it was known that he was still armed.
At one point the subject was seen by a witness who stated he was running naked through the pasture carrying a backpack.
Early Sunday morning it was learned that Graham had stolen a Red dodge pickup and was last seen in Brady. Brady law enforcement and Menard County law enforcement are currently searching for Graham.
Graham should be considered armed and dangerous
If Graham is spotted please contact your local law enforcement.