The Brookesmith Special Utility District, which provides water to 4,000 customers in Brown County, provided an update Thursday morning on the current water issue. Please conserve water.
- BSUD employees are diligently searching for a major water leak as of early this morning.
- They have eliminated a large area where the water leak isn’t.
- Water customers should have a little water, but low pressure right now. If not, you may have frozen pipes
- BSUD will periodically be shutting off large valves as they search for the water leak.
- If you notice a large area of standing water that is out of the ordinary, perhaps in a pasture, contact Brookesmith SUD at 325-646-5731.
- The Boil Water Notice is still in effect. Water for consumption or household use, such as cooking, should be brought to a rolling boil for two minutes, then cooled.
- On the website brookesmithwater.com, you can sign up for alerts to receive the latest news. You can also go to that website and under News & Notices on the top menu, click recent news.
At 6:30 pm on Wednesday evening, Brookesmith SUD began a systematic shutoff of all water to customers saying in their statement: “Our water system as a whole and its wholesale customers is or is going to be without water. A boil water notice will be issued today and be in effect until further notice. How long it will take to restore water is not yet known but we are working getting the water restored as quickly as possible.”