The Brownwood ISD (BISD) Board of Trustees met for a regular session meeting on Monday, February 8, 2021, at 6:30 p.m. The session was called to order by Board President Michael Cloy. BISD Trustee Codie Smith gave the invocation. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Board President Michael Cloy.
BISD Deputy Superintendent Liesa Land highlighted the layers of support that Brownwood ISD currently has employed for the benefit of both teachers and students. At the Elementary level, support includes a Director of Elementary Curriculum and Instruction (K-6), four Academic Response to Interventionists, four Instructional Coaches for teachers, up to three tutors for students which are mainly retired teachers, and department leaders designated for Math and English at each grade level (K-6). At the Secondary level support includes the Director of Secondary Curriculum Instruction and department heads for the four core subjects at both middle school and high school. Support at the district level includes five dyslexia teachers, a Behavior Interventionist, Mental Health Coordinator, three counseling interns in addition to the campus counselors, three parent liaisons, and a 504 Coordinator. Land noted that the positions all work together analyzing data, targeting weaknesses, and providing support for our students and teachers.
BISD Spotlight The BISD Spotlight recognizes members of the faculty and staff who go the extra mile to ensure excellence in education for all our students. Spotlight recipients are chosen from peer nominations. February 2021 honorees were Northwest Elementary Kindergarten teacher Cara Helzer and Licensed Professional Counselor Jimmy Ward.
BISD Trustee Eric Evans moved to accept Dr. Lisa Fowler’s resignation from the BISD Board of Trustees due to moving out of the district. BISD Trustee Codie Smith seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
BISD Superintendent, Dr. Joe Young, reported that the 3 rd Annual Business Industry and Trade Showcase was currently underway at Brownwood High School (BHS). It was well attended and continues to improve each year. The event is now combined with the annual endorsement fair and showcases the variety and quality of BHS programs to eight-grade students who will be moving into high school next year.
Dr. Young met with the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Cabinet. Discussions and feedback covered a variety of school topics, from areas in which the schools are succeeding to ways the district can improve. Dr. Young is scheduled to meet with the Superintendent’s Teacher Advisory Cabinet and Parent Advisory Cabinet later in February.
Last week was Counselors Week and the district recognized its school counselors for listening, assisting, and caring for our students. From classroom guidance and behavior to Ms. Danielle Howard leading Mental Health initiatives, Dr. Young noted that the district is ahead in addressing the needs of both students and staff.
Brownwood ISD is now taking nominations for the renaming of the Brownwood High School Career and Technology/Vocational building. More information, including a schedule and nomination form, is available on the BISD website.
Dr. Young provided a budget update, adding that with the Hold Harmless protections enabled by the Texas Education Agency, the district faces a 1.06-million-dollar loss due to the effects of the pandemic. If the Hold Harmless protections are not extended, the district will face a 1.8- million-dollar loss, a number that continues to grow as student attendance has dropped to between 94-95%. In previous years, BISD attendance was 98-99%, and because state funding is calculated on attendance as opposed to enrollment, Dr. Young was hopeful that Gov. Greg Abbott and Texas Education Commissioner Mike Morath would extend Hold Harmless protection for the remainder of the 2020-21 school year.
The board moved into executive session at 7:05 p.m. to discuss personnel matters and possible candidates for the open Board seat. They returned to open session at 7:29 p.m.
Brownwood ISD Board of Trustee Place 6 was vacated by the resignation of Dr. Lisa Fowler due to her move out of the district. This position will be up for election in November 2022. The Board considered the appointment of Amary Doremus as a new board member to serve in this capacity. Mrs. Doremus is a married, self-employed mother of two elementary-aged children who are currently in Woodland Heights Elementary. BISD Trustee Evans moved to approve the appointment of Amary Doremus as the new board member to fill Place 6 for the remainder of the position’s term. BISD Trustee Diane Thompson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Administration of the Oath of Office will be carried out at a later date.
Due to the resignation of Dr. Lisa Fowler, Place 6, who was serving as an officer of the Board of Trustees (Secretary), it is necessary to elect a new member to serve in this capacity. Trustee Evans made a motion to nominate Trustee Thompson to serve in the capacity as Board Secretary. Trustee Smith seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Budget Calendar: A calendar was provided that contained target dates for regular budget activities and processes through September 2021.
School Nutrition Report: Southwest Food Excellence representative and BISD Food Service Director Carsyn Ward, presented a report regarding the status of the School Nutrition Department and ongoing initiatives including district-wide free breakfast and lunches. Ward reported meal participation data and noted that decreases were due to the pandemic. 217,701 meals (breakfast + lunch) were served from the end of August to December 2021. Ward was hopeful that engagement would increase, and the department would end the school year strong.
Pre-K, Kindergarten, & Head Start Roundup: Dates and times for upcoming Pre-K, Kindergarten, and Head Start pre-registration events were provided. A flyer with the information has been prepared and will be released to the community. Deputy Superintendent, Liesa Land noted that 19 pre-k students were recently accepted to fill openings currently available for BISD Pre-K for the remainder of this school year.
At 7:40 p.m. the Board entered a public hearing for the TAPR report. The TAPR pulls together a wide range of information on the performance of students in each school and district in Texas every year. Performance is shown disaggregated by student groups, including ethnicity and socioeconomic status. The reports also provided extensive information on school and district staff, programs, discipline, and student demographics. BISD Deputy Superintendent Liesa Land noted that, because of the pandemic, data that is normally there for comparison is missing. Cover pages that typically include letter grades have been labeled with “Non-Rated Declared State of Disaster.” The report will be available on each campus and on the district’s website.
The District’s Site-Based Decision-Making Committee met, as well as solicited input from their campuses in order to develop two school calendar possibilities for the 2021-2022 school year. The staff was polled for their preference and there were 149 who answered the survey. The poll results were: Calendar A – 50, and Calendar B – 99. BISD Trustee Smith made a motion to approve Calendar B, as presented. Trustee Thompson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
CONSIDER APPROVAL OF ADMINISTRATOR CONTRACTS Trustee Evans moved that administrator contracts for 2021-2022 be approved, as recommended. Trustee Smith seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
CONSENT AGENDA The following items were listed for consideration on the Consent Agenda.
1 Copier/Printer Contract
2 Policy Update 116
3 BMS UIL Fundraiser
4 Minutes from January 19, 2021 Board Meeting
Trustee Evans moved that the Consent Agenda be approved as presented, with Trustee Smith seconding the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
Reminders were announced for the following upcoming events:
• Team of 8 Board/EISO Training – Friday, February 12, 2021 – HPU
• Staff Development Day – February 12, 2021
• President’s Day Holiday – February 15, 2021
• Bluebonnet Relays – Early Release for BHS Only – March 5, 2021
• Spring Break – March 8-12, 2021
• Next Board Meeting – March 15, 2021
• UIL Academic Meet – Early Release for BMS Only – Thursday, March 18, 2021
• Early Release (2 hours early) – ALL – Thursday, April 1, 2021
• Good Friday Holiday – Friday, April 2, 2021
The meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m.