“As a class at the beginning of the year, Photo 2 does self-assignments with different themes and the students join me at events like football games, to get students out taking pictures,” said Photography Teacher Heather Nix. “Some of the themes are ‘People we Love,’ ‘Hands at Work,’ and ‘Train People.’ We then narrow down the student’s best work from the assignments and from pictures they have photographed on their own time. I meet with each student to critique their work…and then we wait!”
Photo 2 students participated in this year’s Association of Texas Photography Instructors (ATPI) contest, consisting of over 4500 entries from ninety-three schools. Brownwood High School earned an honorable mention, with Niko Martin’s submission titled, ‘Silo Scape.’ “While it is primarily a Texas program, schools in 8 states participated in the Fall Contest,” Nix said. “Our students entered thirty-six images and I would have loved every student to have placed in the categories they chose; the competition is stiff! So, to have one image get an honorable mention is great for us!”
The fierce competition offers valuable experience for the students and allows them an outlet for opportunity. “It’s an outlet for creativity,” Martin said, “and I can show my emotion through what I am taking pictures of. I can take the pictures I want, at the level of quality that I want.” Martin is a student in the Photo 2 class, under Nix’s guidance. This was his first time to enter the contest.
“Seventeen of our Photo 2 students competed in the Fall Contest,” Nix said. “ATPI is currently getting ready for a Self Portrait contest in February as part of our yearly conference, so all of Photo 1 and Photo 2 will enter this one and are working on pictures now, which is about forty-five students total.” Nix continues to work with students, helping them see life through a purposeful lens. “ATPI is a great organization and has been so much help to me personally in creating our program. To have teachers from all over Texas elevate and promote the importance of good photography is such a thrill to be a part of!”
{Story by Sara Musgrove}