The overwhelming response from donors continues a positive trend in HPU’s GivingTuesday fundraising, with this year’s numbers seeing major increases over last year’s totals. On 2019’s GivingTuesday, a total of $68,303 was raised, with gifts received from 177 donors.
“The ongoing success of GivingTuesday is a great encouragement to all of us at Howard Payne University,” said Dr. Dale Meinecke, vice president for development. “People from the entire spectrum of the HPU family – alumni, friends, personnel and others – are excited about what’s taking place here and they want to be more involved. The support from so many will have lasting impact as HPU continues to provide Christ-centered higher education for generations of students to come.”
HPU seeks support for all areas of need, including scholarship funds, athletics, the Howard Payne Fund, campus improvements, the Douglas MacArthur Academy of Freedom renovation project and other areas as specified by donors. Numerous GivingTuesday gifts to HPU were magnified through pledges for matching gifts. One donor agreed to match up to $50,000 for gifts from first-time donors and donors who have not given in the last ten years, and another donor agreed to match up to $50,000 for gifts to HPU athletics.
Dr. Cory Hines, HPU president, shared his appreciation of all who express their love of HPU through their financial support.
“Words cannot fully express how much it means to our university when people commit financial resources to the work that takes place here,” said Dr. Hines. “Not just on GivingTuesday but throughout the year, to have so many supporters eager to partner with HPU in this way is very humbling.
Prospective donors who were not able to give on GivingTuesday can still donate to support HPU’s students by visiting www.hputx.edu/give.