This coming Saturday, November 21st – from 9 a.m. to noon – is the time for you to pick up your holiday ham that you purchased from the Pecan Valley Kiwanis Club.
This year, the Pecan Valley Kiwanis Club will provide a drive through lane to make it convenient and unnecessary for you to get out of your vehicle.
The entrance will be from Coggin Avenue and the exit will be onto Austin Avenue. You will be greeted and ask for your ham ticket by a person wearing a mask and gloves. Your ham will then be delivered back to your vehicle.
If you are picking up more than 4 hams, do not use the marked drive through lane. Pull over in the parking lot, get someone’s attention, and they will assist you in getting your hams.
The Pecan Valley Kiwanians will make every effort to insure your safety. They say thank you for your support, and sincerely hope that you and your loved ones have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving!