RANGER – Ranger College President Dr. William Campion’s business is providing the education that high school seniors need to reach their dreams. As such, he makes it a point to know who the up-and-coming scholars are in his district.
Zephyr High School senior Drew Reynolds fits that definition perfectly.
Reynolds, who is on schedule to complete his high school education as the ZHS valedictorian, will join a long list of area scholars who will be attending Ranger College in 2021 in hopes of completing the first two years of their college experience and obtaining an Associate’s degree. The son of Jason and Jessica Reynolds of Zephyr, he was recently awarded a Presidential scholarship, covering much of the tuition and fees associated with attending the historic 96-year-old college.
“It is really nice (to receive the scholarship),” said Reynolds, who has attended Zephyr since the second grade. “I’m looking forward to getting started there.”
The academic bar has been set high for Reynolds, who becomes the second Zephyr ISD student to receive a Presidential scholarship in the last three years. Former ZHS graduate Kensli Rockafellow received the scholarship award in 2018 and is on pace graduate from the RC nursing.
Reynolds said he hoped to convert the scholarship to Ranger College into a spot at Texas A&M in the future.
“I’d like to attend A&M and become and aerospace engineer,” he said.
(Story written by Tommy Wells, Ranger College)