STEPHENVILLE – The Brownwood Lions finished fourth, while the Lady Lions came in fifth during the Class 4A portion of Stephenville’s Thrill of the Hill cross country meet Wednesday.
The Lions trailed only Gatesville, Graham and Lampasas and placed ahead of Glen Rose, Hillsboro, Benbrook and Godley. The Lions will again compete against Gatesville and Lampasas at the District 6-4A meet in Lampasas on Oct. 28.
Caleb Nelson led the way for the Lions with a sixth-place time of 18:46 followed by Cameron Phipps in 16th place, Evan Fraze in 29th place, Andrew Boren in 30th place and Vincent Floyd in 35th place.
The Lady Lions came in fifth with 113 points, trailing Godley (47), Gatesville (57), Lampasas (88) and Glen Rose (111). Brownwood finished ahead of Graham (146), Hillsboro (176) and Benbrook (186). The Lady Lions will see Gatesville, Lampasas and Glen Rose again at the 6-4A meet in Lampasas Oct. 28.
Emma Stegemoller paced the Lady Lions’ effort with a fifth-place effort, clocking a time of 13:22.55. Naysa Leach placed 17th in a time of 14:01.51 followed by Alli Touhakis (26th, 14:57.22). Kinnison Harvey (27th, 15:04.21), Ava Brownlee (38th, 15:40.76), Molly Oliver (45th, 16:05.93), and Taylor Pickney (46th, 16:14.83)
The Lions and Lady Lions are slated to return to action Oct. 14 at the Anson Invitational.