According to a Facebook post on the “#LetsBringChaveHome finding Salvador Uvalle” page at approximately 11 a.m. Friday, Salvador “Chave” Uvalle, missing since May 1, has been found safe. The post reads as follows:
It is with the greatest pleasure I wish to announce on behalf of Salvador Uvalle’s family that he has been found. At this time his family are busy taking care of his needs. At this time that is all the information that can be released. However, his family wants to thank each and everyone of you who have prayed and shared. God bless you all. I would like to ask you all to continue your prayers for Salvador and his family as the go forward together.
According to an earlier Facebook post, Uvalle was last seen with his work crew which he traveled with to Cisco the morning of May 1. He made a 911 call to the Cisco Police Department, who he spoke to but continued with work. The post states Uvalle’s supervisor said he later just “walked off” and a co-worker said Uvalle “was going for water” and didn’t realize he had not come back until it was time to leave. The work crew returned to Brownwood without Uvalle, but the Cisco Police Department spoke with Uvalle, according to the post, who was seeking a ride back to Brownwood and gave him contact information for a taxi service, but Uvalle never contacted the taxi service.