In session Tuesday morning, August 25, the Brownwood City Council voted 4-0 to reject all five previous proposals submitted for the Communications Upgrade Project and rescind the decision to seek competitive proposals for the project. The Council then authorized the City to negotiate and contract those services with the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) through an interlocal agreement at a cost savings to not only the City but to Early, Bangs and the County that are splitting costs of dispatch personnel and equipment this coming fiscal year.
According to background information provided to the Council, the above entities sought competitive proposals for upgrading the VHF Radio Infrastructure that all entities use for public safety communications. They have been working on this process for about one year. LCRA, as a state agency, is prohibited from submitting a response to a Request for Proposals. After meeting with LCRA, the services and prices they offer beat the proposals received under the RFP process. Contracting with a state agency, such as LCRA, through an interlocal agreement to provide goods and services is an exception to the competitive bidding requirements under state law. Three existing LCRA towers can be used which reduces the cost of the project. The Council will see the LCRA proposal at a future meeting.
In other business:
The Council voted 4-0 to approve three alternate bids to the Airport Taxiway and Apron Rehabilitation Project. This will take care of pavement at the East and West Terminal apron and a drainage issue on Taxiway D. Thanks to CARES Act funding, the city is getting $1.3 million in airport improvements for $45,542 in local funds. TxDOT Aviation is funding the project at 96.5%.
The Council voted 4-0 to approve previous action by the Brownwood Municipal Development District Board to award a bid for asbestos abatement on BMDD owned property at 2605 Morris Sheppard Drive. The low bid was $167,000 by AAR, Inc. of Liberty Hill, Texas. A second bid was in the amount of $228,400 from Building Abatement Demolition Co., Inc of Leander, Texas.
The Council also voted 4-0 to pass an Ordinance amending the Utility Ordinance Section regulating customer cutoff valves. The City is recommending that any valve that is installed at the water meter be made of all brass, stainless or a combination of both so that the customer has a valve that will not deteriorate. This will be on new construction and future repairs. Citizens are not required to change cutoff valves now but when it comes time to repair or build new, brass, stainless or combination will be needed.
In action after Executive Session, the Council authorized the director of economic development to negotiate a purchase contract for properties at 112 N. Greenleaf and 601 Sharp Street and authorized the Mayor to sign the final negotiated agreement.