On Friday, July 24 at about 9:16 a.m., Deputy Byron Langley arrived at the Brown County Law Enforcement Center located at 1050 W. Commerce in Brownwood. This was in regards to trespassing. He spoke with an individual who stated he needed to file a Criminal Trespass Warning on his daughter and her boyfriend for his residence.
On Friday, July 24, Lt. Pete Bastardo was dispatched to 3300 block of Portside. This was in regards to a grass fire. It was later discovered that an individual had illegally hooked up to electricity. A report was taken for criminal mischief.
On Friday, July 24, Deputy Toby Mathis spoke with an individual about threats made to her husband. She said she believed the person who made the threats would follow through. A report was made.
On Sunday, July 26 at approximately 1:42 p.m., Deputy Scotty Burke was dispatched to Belfast Drive in Brownwood. This was in reference to a burglary of a building report and investigation.
On Sunday, July 26, at 2:51 p.m. Corporal Jayson Bastardo, was dispatched to 1050 W Commerce (Law Enforcement Center). This was in regards to an Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle. Upon arrival, Bastardo spoke with an individual that advised he had let his nephew use his pick-up. The individual said he requested the vehicle back from the vehicle had not been returned. A report was taken.