The following is the agenda for the Brown County Commissioners Court meeting slated for 9 a.m. Monday, July 27 at the Commissioners Courtroom at the Brown County Courthouse:
1. Declare a Quorum and Call Meeting to Order
2. Prayer
3. Citizen Comments: (All speakers will be required to adhere to the rules of procedure, conduct and decorum adopted by the Court of August 12, 2019. Any disruptive, abusive, obscene, or disrespectful behavior will be terminated immediately.)
4. Consideration and approval of minutes of July 20th, 2020.
5. Consideration and approval of any Treasurer’s/Auditor’s Report.
6. Consideration and approval of payment of any bills needed.
7. Consideration and approval of all appropriate action regarding the following:
A. Mr. Joel Kelton, Commissioner Pct. 2 — Consideration and possible approval of action regarding burn ban
B. Lisa Dick, Administrator, Brownwood-Brown County Health Department—Update on COVID19 response and County health initiatives (Spon p2)
C. Mr. Bob Contreras Consideration and possible action regarding the approval of Low Water Crossing Resolution 2020-05 (Spon CJ)
D. Commissioner Gary Worley, Pct. 1 – Consideration and possible approval of action regarding modification of existing window in Rural Addressing (Spon Pct.1)
E. Commissioner Gary Worley, Pct. 1 – Consideration and possible approval of action regarding Permitting, Indigent Health Care (Spon Pct.1)
F. Commissioner Gary Worley, Pct. 1 – Consideration and possible approval of action regarding compliance with CDC COVID 19 guidelines (Spon Pct.1)
G. Commissioner Joel Kelton, Pct. 2 – Consideration and possible approval of action regarding hiring of part-time personnel (Spon Pct.2)
8. Adjournment
Agenda items may be considered, deliberated, and/or acted upon in a different order than set forth above. The Brown County Commissioners Court reserves the right to discuss any above items in executive (closed) session whenever permitted by the Texas Open Meeting Act.