Wendy Hamilton of the Texas Agrilife Extension Service submitted the following information regarding the Ron Jackson State School:
The boys and girls at the Ron Jackson Correctional Facility need words of encouragement. The number of youth and gender is uncertain. Due to the COVID-19 situation, many have not experienced family visitations, many since March. I am taking it upon myself to send words of encouragement to the youth in this facility and I encourage you to do the same.
We will not know who receives our cards/letters, but it is important to shine some light into their place of confinement and let them know that normal life, and visitation, will resume. We just don’t know when for certain.
Let them know they, as individuals, are in our prayers and thoughts. Our well wishes are with them and we know the sadness of missing our loved ones. We encourage them to be strong until they are allowed visitation again.
To participate, send a letter to:
Ron Jackson Youth
Ron Jackson State State School
611 FM 3254
Brownwood, Texas 76801
Including contact information is not required.