Brownwood News – The Brownwood Independent School District released a statement Thursday evening concerning a student/athlete who stopped attending workouts as a result of a family member showing symptoms and then being confirmed positive for COVID-19. The school district’s response is below.
“A Brownwood athlete stopped attending workouts on June 25, 2020, when a family member started exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. The family member was tested and confirmed positive on July 1, 2020. Upon learning of the confirmed parental-positive, all coaches and athletes who had close contact with the athlete during workouts were notified of their potential second-hand exposure. Those with second-hand exposure are quarantined until workouts resume on July 13, 2020.
All stations and equipment used during summer workouts are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, along with daily monitoring for symptoms for all participants. At this time, the athlete with the parental-positive has been tested, and results are pending. Per UIL guidance, workouts for all Brownwood athletes are suspended from July 3, 2020 – July 12, 2020.”
Follow https://www.brownwoodisd.org/covid19 for the latest updates.