Brownwood News – In session Tuesday, June 23, 2020 the Brownwood City Council took up the following agenda items.
The Council accepted the donation of a locomotive from Vulcan Materials Company in Brownwood. Jonathan Withers, General Manager of Vulcan Materials, contacted Crystal Stanley, Curator of the Lehnis Railroad Museum, to discuss the museum accepting “White Lightening” as a permanent exhibit at the museum. The locomotive has a history of use in Brownwood.
The Council considered approving a quote for foundation repair of Adams Street Community Center. The low quote that meets city specifications is $21,650. The Council tabled the item until their next meeting in two weeks.
The Council ratified BMDD board action to approve creation of a small business reimbursement grant program and guidelines. The program will provide reimbursement to small businesses up to $2,500 for purchases of equipment, supplies or software that they incurred to adapt their business model after March 1, 2020 due to COVID-19.
The Council ratified BMDD board action to approve improvements, not to exceed $65,000, to the Lednicky property located on East Commerce. As site work and construction moves forward at the site of the new Chick-fil-A restaurant, the adjacent two acres of property, owned by the City of Brownwood, will need some upgrades to be better utilized by the public. City staff intends to improve safety, aesthetics and usability of the property by adding new lighting, six picnic tables, a new wrought iron fence and playground equipment.
The Council approved, on final reading, an ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of the City of Brownwood Tax Note, Series 2020. The city has a 2013 tax note paying off this fiscal year with a note payment of $104,700. The annual note payment for the new tax note will be $90,000 in year one then graduates up to $105,000 in year seven. City officials say it will not increase the city budget. The total tax note approved by the Council Tuesday will be for $685,000 to be used as follows:
Aquatic Center Pool Resurfacing – $195,000
JLEC Flooring – $33,500
Fleet Fuel Pumps – $130,000
Landfill Scales – $100,000
Landfill Litter Fencing – $175,000
Contingency – $16,500
Total Project Costs – $650,000
Estimated Cost of Issuance – $35,000
Total Tax Note – $685,000
The Council also approve an ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of the City of Brownwood, Texas General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2020. The city financial advisor, George Williford of Hilltop Services, made the analogy of this being like a homeowner refinancing their home. The city has an opportunity to refinance three existing bonds to lower the interest rate and save money. These include the 2004 bond (matures in 2025) used for water line improvements, the 2013 bond (matures 2027) issued to build cells 12 and 13 at the landfill and 2016 bond (matures 2031) issued for street, community facility and park improvements. Those three bonds total a current balance of $6,275,000. Under current market conditions, the true interest cost on the refunding bonds would be 2.01%. At that rate, the city will save $389,949 in interest costs.
The Council approved on second, third and final reading, an Amended Utility Ordinance for Fiscal Year 19/20 setting charges, fees, rates and deposits for customers of Brownwood water, sewer and sanitation system. The city currently charges an after-hours service fee of $35 when a customer requests a water turn-on after 4:00 pm Monday through Friday. The city has added a sentence to clarify that this fee does not apply to plumbing jobs. According to the city, the fee has never applied to courtesy calls such as requests to turn off/on the meter because of a water leak or requests from plumbers related to plumbing work, even if it’s after hours or on the weekend. This fee only applies when a work order has been issued and is primarily when someone requests new service or a transfer of service.
The Council approved a Resolution to Amend the City Personnel Rules and Regulations Policy regarding weapon control and violence prevention. On March 10 of this year, city management presented the Council a draft amendment that would allow employees, with a license to carry a handgun, to do so while on duty. They must first work their way through a training class given by the Brownwood Police Department. The first class will be taught to city employees who wish to conceal carry this Saturday.
We previously reported that the City reached agreement with Common Grounds Coffeehouse to lease the old Central Fire Station on Main Street. Common Grounds plans to renovate the facility over the next few months and move their business there from their current Austin Avenue location.