Brownwood News – Brown County Commissioners will meet at 9:00 am Monday, June 15, in Commissioner’s Courtroom in the Brown County Courthouse. They will consider the following agenda.
1. Declare a Quorum and Call Meeting to Order
2. Prayer
3. Citizen Comments
(All speakers will be required to adhere to the rules of procedure, conduct and decorum adopted by the Court on August 12, 2019. Any disruptive, abusive, obscene, or disrespectful behavior will be terminated immediately.)
4. Consideration and approval of minutes of June 8th, 2020.
5. Consideration and approval of any Treasurer’s/Auditor’s Report.
6. Consideration and approval of payment of any bills needed.
7. Consideration and approval of all appropriate action regarding the following:
A. Mr. Gary Worley, Commissioner Pct. 1- Consideration and possible approval of assigning the TrueCore lease of the Oaks facility to Rite of Passage;
B. Mr. Gary Worley, Commissioner Pct. 1- Consideration and possible approval of action to install private line on CR 235 by Brookesmith SUD;
C. Mr. Joel Kelton, Commissioner Pct. 2 – Consideration and possible approval of action regarding burn ban;
D. Christine Pentecost, County Tax Assessor-Collector- Consideration and Possible Approval of Employee changes (spon cj);
E. Jim Cavanaugh, Justice of the Peace, Pct. 4 – Consideration and possible approval of using Tech fund for COVID19 personnel expenses (spon cj)
F. Buddy Preston, City of Brownwood Fire Marshall – Consideration and possible approval of a resolution to allow the City of Brownwood to file its Hazard Mitigation Plan as an extension to the Brown County Hazard Mitigation Plan.
8. Adjournment