Brownwood News – Howard Payne University’s Office of Career Services encourages area employers to consider hiring college students to fill part-time positions. The office works throughout the year to match interested employers with students motivated and grateful for part-time job opportunities while they work on their degrees.
Tammy Arreola, HPU career services coordinator, highlighted the benefits of part-time work for both employers and students.
“Hiring a college student provides them an opportunity to connect and create relationships that will allow mentorship and growth for their future,” she said. “Not only does it help build their resume, it gives them strong foundational skills that will aid in their future career. Organizations have a unique opportunity to mold these students and impact their lives in a positive way while filling needs for their businesses.”
For more information or to share your part-time job opportunity with HPU students, contact Tammy Arreola 325-649-8630 or [email protected].