Brownwood News – (by Mike Blagg) The Brownwood City Council met on Tuesday, June 9, in the Council Chambers at City Hall. The Council voted on three matters:
***A resolution to relieve the County Surveyor of the burden of reviewing City plats. Over the years, the City has relied on County Surveyor Don King to file all city plats in the County Records. While it is not necessary to file the plats with the County, it is convenient for the public to have the plats in the same location where deed records are filed. The County Surveyor has reviewed the plats to make sure they meet all requirements, but the City believes that is unnecessary, since the plats have already been approved by City staff, the Planning and Zoning Committee, and the City Council. County Surveyor King requested a resolution from the City relieving him of any obligation to review the City plats. The Council approved the resolution 5-0.
***A resolution changing the cut-off hours that would trigger a fee for a water turn-on order. The City currently charges an after-hours service fee of $35 when a customer requests a water turn-on after 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The City has experienced a high number of water turn-on requests after 4:00 p.m. on Fridays, creating overtime pay for the City Water Department employees. The proposed resolution was to change the cut-off time on Fridays to 2:00 p.m. Councilman Ed McMillian spoke in opposition to the proposal, stating that often times it is not the customer’s fault, but rather he is waiting on a plumber to finish his work, or sometimes waiting on the City inspector to arrive. The resolution passed on a 3-2 vote, with Councilmen Walker Willey, Larry Mathis, and Draco Miller voting yes; and Councilmen Ed McMillian and H.D. Jones voting no.
*** On first reading, the Council voted 5-0 to ratify the proposal from the Brownwood Municipal Development District to amend the economic development agreement with Brownwood CFA Series LLC, the owner/operator of the new Chick-Fil-A Restaurant being built on East Commerce. The proposal is for BMDD to provide $75,000 for landfill fees and $10,000 for rental of screening equipment used in the construction of the restaurant.
In other business, Lisa Dick from the Health Department reported that the National Guard tested all nursing homes in Brownwood for COVID-19, which caused the total number of tests performed in Brown County to almost double. Current numbers are: 1593 tests administered, 1533 tests negative, 60 tests positive, 10 deaths, 43 recovered, 7 active cases. There is no one currently in the hospital with COVID-19.
Brownwood Public Library Director Becky Isbell gave a report on current activities at the library, now that it has re-opened. Library hours are Monday-Friday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm, closed 12:00 – 1:00 pm for cleaning; Saturday 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. They are attempting to manage the number of patrons in the library at one time, thus one entrance (on Carnegie Blvd) and one exit (to the parking lot on Adams St.) Also they have removed much of the seating, to encourage patrons to quickly move in and out of the library.
The library Summer Reading Club began about two weeks ago. They have a scavenger hunt app, with 3-5 daily reading challenges in topics such as art, math, science, photography, buildings, etc. They have had lots of positive feedback from parents, reporting that the kids have been out of school for several months now and are eager for things to do.
The library is going to have 25 Hot Spots to lend, for patrons to take home, get on the internet, and do their schoolwork. They will also have other lendable technology with educational apps. The library is going to create space for telemedicine portals, for patients who may be unable to travel to an out-of-town doctor. And finally the library is going to have a series of workshops about how to search for a job.
Parks and Recreation Director David Withers gave an update on the City swimming pools. The pools can operate at 50% capacity. The Camp Bowie pool capacity is 424, so only 212 persons will be allowed in at one time. The Wiggins pool’s capacity is 240, so 120 persons will be allowed in Wiggins at one time. The pools will practice COVID safe procedures, with screenings, frequent cleaning of surfaces, and social distancing.
The Wiggins pool will open first, on June 12. Initially hours will be Tuesday-Sunday, 2:00 pm until 5:45 pm. The Camp Bowie pool has an estimated opening date of June 13. Initial hours will be: Tuesday and Thursday, 2:15 pm – 8:00 pm; Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, 2:15 pm – 5:45 pm. Sunday 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm. Once lifeguard certification training is completed (June 26) the Camp Bowie pool will open at 10:15 am, Tuesday through Saturday.