Brownwood News – The Fellowship of Christian Athletes has named four students from Early High School as FCA All-Stars. The four are:
Trinity Tomlinson – Volleyball
Brent Grooms – Basketball
Timmy Smithson – Football
Cale Wade – Football
Also named as Cheer Coach for the FCA All-Stars was Faith Wade and Kristin Wade, from Early High School.
(shown in the group photo – L-R: Faith Wade, Cheer Coach; Cale Wade, Football; Timmy Smithson, Football; Brent Grooms, Basketball; Trinity Tomlinson, Volleyball; Kristin Wade, Cheer Coach)
The FCA All-Star games were cancelled this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but the students were presented with an FCA jersey, a plaque, and a Bible.
(story by Mike Blagg)