Brownwood News – (contributed) The City of Early Beautification Commission invites you to join them for a fun and festive evening as they light up Early with the lighting of the Christmas Tree. The festivities will be on Tuesday, December 3rd at the intersection of Early Blvd and Garmon Drive.
There will be performances starting at 6:30 pm by:
Early’s Primary School Choir and Early’s Elementary “Local Vocals”
Early High School Band joined by the Eighth grade students
United Supermarkets will once again supply the hot chocolate and cookies and will be served by Students of HPU. Santa Clause will be brought in by the Early Volunteer Fire Department and will be passing out candy and posing for pictures.
Parking for the event will be in the First Baptist Church parking Lot, access will be off of Lucas St. from the west and Garmon Dr from the East.
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The Beautification Commission encourages all residents and businesses within the City of Early to help light up Early by participating in the Christmas Lighting Contest.
There is no need to register for the contest. Nominations will be made & voted on via Social Media. Gift cards from Hobby Lobby will awarded to the top three. Awards will be based on voting by the public. Winners will be announced on Friday, December 20th.
Guest attending the Christmas Tree Lighting, Residents and Businesses participating in the Christmas Lighting Contest are encouraged to take pictures and use the hash tag #lightupearly2019 when posting on social media.
For more information please contact Rhonda Donahoo at Early Visitors & Events Center 325-649-9300 or find us on the Visit and the City of Early Beautification’s Facebook page.
All of this is made possible by the $1 donation that Early resident’s pay on their monthly water bill each month.