Brownwood News – Brown County Commissioners Court on Tuesday morning, November 12, 2019 approved an amended contract between Brown County and Lifeguard Ambulance Service as recommended by the EMS Advisory Committee.
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Commissioners Court then approved to renew the contract between Brown County and Lifeguard subject to the approval of the other entities involved.
Both votes were 4 in favor, 1 against, with County Judge, Dr. Paul Lilly, opposed to the amended contract and renewal.
Judge Lilly provided figures that Lifeguard fell below minimum staffing of four (4) MICU units in the current contract 40 times as of early September of this year. He was opposed to amending the current contract which led to several lively exchanges between Commissioners Kelton and Worley and the County Judge.
“I need to state for the record before I cast a vote to lower the emergency medical service response, even to just one step below the absolute minimum staffing that caused Lifeguard to be awarded the contract, I have a problem with that,” said County Judge, Dr. Paul Lilly.
Commissioners Worley, Kelton, Traweek and Shaw voted in favor of amending the ambulance contract. Commissioner Kelton read the motion. The amended contract allows for three full-time, fully staffed MICU ambulance units and a 4th unit to be MICU 80% of the time and Basic Life Support up to 15% of the time with a 5% buffer for unforeseen circumstances. This will allow the Basic Life Support unit to treat and transport within its capabilities. Kelton said the EMS Committee gave a lot of thought to the amendment. According to Chris Furry, who heads up the Lifeguard Service in Brown County, he is satisfied with the outcome of the meeting. “I am satisfied with the outcome. It will allow us to operate more efficiently and actually provide a better service to the citizens of Brown County,” Furry said. He added that paramedic staffing levels is a nationwide problem and Brown County is no exception.
Pertaining to the renewal of the ambulance contract with Lifeguard, Judge Lilly wanted the public to know he felt the contract should go out for bid. Commissioners all voted in favor of the contract renewal, the county judge opposed. The county subsidy amount will remain the same.
Lifeguard Ambulance employees about 35 people with roughly half those being paramedics. The video from the Commissioners meeting will be available to view as soon as possible on the Brown County website home page.
Click on Commissioner’s Court Video Recordings.