Brownwood News – A regular meeting of the Brown County Water Improvement District will be held at 4:00 pm on Tuesday, October 8 at their office at 501 East Baker Street. The agenda is as follows:
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Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Minutes: regular meeting(s) held September 2019
5. Approval of claims and accounts
6. Approval of investment and financial reports
7. Citizens Presentations: Any citizen desiring to address the Board of Directors regarding a matter not included on agenda may do so at this time. The Board of Directors may not deliberate on items presented under this agenda item. To comply with the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Board of Directors respectfully requests that prior to addressing the Board, each person submit a citizen’s presentation form located at the entrance lobby, stating your name, address and topic of presentation. All presentations are limited to five (5) minutes time limit.
8. Discuss and approve employee health and dental insurance renewals;
9. Consider and take necessary action regarding a six (6) year extension of the rock house agreement at Kirkland’s
10. Consider and take necessary action regarding Resolution Setting Irrigation Rates and Other Charges for Year 2020 and related fees
11. Consider and take necessary action on the dock encapsulation requirement
12. Consider and take necessary action on McCartney Island mooring leases
13. Consider and take necessary action regarding a budget amendment in the amount of $9200.00 for landfill fees· FILEO FOR RECORD
14. General Manager Report
15. Adjournment