Brownwood News – The City of Brownwood’s Zoning Board of Adjustment will conduct a public hearing for the following requests at City Hall Council Chambers, 501 Center Ave, at 4:00 pm on Tuesday, September 10, 2019:
(VAR 13-19) 2004 Brooke Lane: Requesting a variance of 6 ft. into the 6 ft. side yard setback
requirement for a carport
(VAR 14-19) 2204 Austin Avenue: Requesting a variance of 3 ft. into the 5 ft. side yard setback
requirement for a carport
(VAR 15-19) 1000 3rd Street: Requesting a variance of 25 ft. into the 25 ft. front yard setback
requirement to build a 16’x 24’ carport over an existing driveway
(VAR 16-19) 127 Bowie Circle: Requesting a variance of 25 ft. into the 25 ft. front yard setback
requirement for a carport
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