Brownwood News – The Brown County Water Improvement District Board will meet at 4:00 pm Tuesday, August 13, at the Water District Office, 501 East Baker, downtown Brownwood. The agenda is:
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Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Minutes from July 2019 regular meeting
Approval of claims and accounts
Approval of investment and financial reports
Citizen presentations
Consider and take necessary action regarding request from City of Early and High Point Asset Management, LLC regarding an Access and Parking Easement and Maintenance Agreement between High Point Asset Management, LLC, City of Early and the District across the Big G property in Early.
Consider and take necessary action on request from Matt Southall regarding wakes around McCartney Island.
Approve hiring of an auditor for the District’s 2018/2019 Fiscal Year Audit
Discuss and take action appointing District’s depository.
Consider approval of amendments to the District’s 2018/2019 fiscal year budget.
Consider and take necessary action on the upcoming dock encapsulation deadline.
Discuss and take necessary action regarding request from Erline Daniels to transfer her jetty lease to Johnathan Smith.
Hear General Manager report regarding current events.