Brownwood News – The Early City Council will meet at 6:00 pm Tuesday, July 9, at Early City Hall. The agenda is as follows:
A. Call to order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance
B. Consideration of the minutes of regular meeting held on June 11, 2019.
C. Citizen’s comments.
D. Reports (No Council action may be taken)
1. Administrator’s Report.
2. 2020 Census Complete Count Committee (City Administrator)
E. Matters of New Business
1. Consider approving a variance to allow a controlled agricultural burn at 212 Sunnydale. By: Larry McConn
2. Consideration to approve Ordinance 2019-06, amending the residential building permit fee schedule as required by H.B. 852 passed in the 2019 Legislative Session. By: Nathan Land
3. Consideration to enter into an agreement with IWA Technical Services, Inc., a consulting engineer regarding radio communications equipment and services. By: Tony Aaron
4. Consideration to enter into an agreement with TOASE Attorneys & Consultants for legal services. By: Tony Aaron
F. Executive Session in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, Section 551.087, Economic Development.
G. Reconvene into Open Session and consider action, if any, on items discussed in Executive Session.
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H. Budget Workshop
I. Announcements
J. Adjourn/Recess