Written by ben Cox – The Brownwood Education Foundation announced yesterday that it has contracted with BISD retiree Larry Mathis to be their new Development Officer.
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Mathis, a teacher of over 30 years and former BISD teacher of the year, will be a “conduit” for alumni to begin supporting the Education Foundation, according to Board Vice-President Eric Evans. “People love this man, and his zeal and enthusiasm. That is exciting for me to see, because there are tens of thousands of people who, having been reached, will begin to donate and help support this organization.”
Mike Smith, the Foundation President says “Larry Mathis has a love for the students of BISD, and the students and their parents have a deep respect and admiration for him.”
Mathis will not be the Executive Director for the Foundation, that position “will be filled possibly later this year”, according to Evans. Mathis will office out of the Administrative Building on Southside Drive, and has already begun his duties as Development Officer.
Mathis says that this new position is exciting to him for many reasons. “Even in retirement having the opportunity to hopefully give back to the school district some of the things they gave to me. They were always so supportive and encouraging in every way of my program for over 30 years. If I can help the Education Foundation support the school district give to our kids some things they might not otherwise have, that is what excites me.”
Mathis says foundations like the Brownwood Education Foundation are important and are more commonplace than one might think. ”Education Foundations have become a staple in Texas. You can hardly find a school district that doesn’t have an Education Foundation of sorts. Some are quite developed with significant bank rolls.”
He continues “Even in small rural towns they have managed to create a significant amount of money, so much so that not only is the Education Foundation providing things for the school district to help the kids grow and improve and get better, but when the kids graduate high school they’re receiving great scholarships from the foundations.”
Mathis says his job will be a rewarding one, and he hopes it leaves a long-standing impact. “I’m just excited to be able to give back and be able to help through fundraising to generate the kind of revenue that will become a lasting legacy.”
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