Written by Amanda Coers – The Brownwood City Council met at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, May 8th, in the Council Chambers inside City Hall to discuss items listed on the agenda.
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Assistant County Elections Administrator Larry Franks read the tabulated results of the May 5th General Election. In the Brownwood Mayoral Race challenger Mike Tittle received 716 votes, and incumbent Stephen Haynes received 986 votes. In the Ward 1 City Council Seat Race, challenger Patrick McLaughlin received 651 votes, and incumbent H.D. Jones received 988 votes. Ward 4 City Council Seat was unopposed and incumbent Draco Miller received 1,397 votes.
City Secretery Christi Wynn read the Statements of the Elected Officers and administered the Oath of Office to the re-elected Mayor Stephen Haynes, Councilman Draco Miller, and Councilman H.D. Jones.
“It’s important that the staff and council hear this,” Mayor Stephen Haynes said after the Oath of Office was administered. “I ran this campaign on the accomplishments of the past years, and that doesn’t happen without the people in this building. I appreciate everything you do.”
Before moving to the next agenda item, Councilman Ed McMillian did ask the council to consider having one evening meeting per quarter after hearing comments from the community. The mayor and council agreed, and the issue will be placed on the agenda for a future council meeting to be formally considered.
Next, the council conducted a public hearing on an ordinance on first reading changing the zoning classification of .53 acres out of the Thomas J. Glass Survey Number 47, Abstract 359, also known as 1510 Indian Creek Drive from Single Family Residential to a Local Business District. Lark Terry makes handmade soap with her business Arrows and Oaks. Terry is requesting her parent’s home be re-zoned from residential to commercial to allow her to establish a small storefront for her products. Her parents no longer live in the residence. The property sits across from Alcorn Park. Council approved the request.
Another change of zoning classification was also considered for a property located at 109 West Ninth Street. An individual asked the council to re-zone the lot from Restricted Industrial District to a Manufactured Home District. No opposition was voiced during the public hearing and council approved the request.
Both re-zoning requests will be placed on the consent agenda at the next city council meeting.
The council then considered an ordinance regulating the use of vehicles and motorized sport vehicles in city parks. Recent concern was voiced regarding people operating four wheelers and dirt bikes on the campgrounds at Fabis Park, posing a danger to children in the area and causing some damage to the park.
The proposed ordinance will grant the City Manager the authority to allow use of vehicles in the parks for special events. Mayor Haynes agreed the vehicles not be allowed in the camp grounds, but perhaps have a designated area in the future for the use of recreational vehicles if requested from the community.
Council approved the proposed ordinance, and the City Attourney Pat Chester will work on the language for the ordinance to be presented at the next council meeting.
At the close of the meeting the council elected Draco Miller to continue as Mayor Pro Tem.
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