Brownwood News – The Texas Department of Transportation will conduct a second public meeting for the purpose of soliciting public comment on proposed improvements to U.S. 377 (Main Street) between FM 2524 (Austin Avenue) and the Truman Harlow Overpass in Brownwood.
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The meeting will be held on Thursday, May 3, 2018 at the TSTC campus located at 305 Booker St., Brownwood, Texas 76801. The meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m., with a formal presentation at 5:45 p.m. Following the presentation, TxDOT staff will be available to answer questions until 7:30 p.m.
At a previous public meeting, held on July 13, 2017, TxDOT received valuable input from the public and affected property owners. Based on that input, the agency has revised the preliminary design and scope of the proposed project.
TxDOT proposes the following improvements to U.S. 377 (Main Street) between FM 2524 (Austin Avenue) and near Lipscomb Street at the base of the Truman Harlow Overpass:
• Full reconstruction of the pavement.
• Addition of a continuous center-turn lane.
• Upgrades to sidewalks and ADA ramps to meet current standards.
• Drainage improvements.
• Improvements to the intersection with Austin Avenue for improved traffic flow and vehicle turns.
The proposed project would require additional right of way.
Maps showing the proposed project’s location and geometric design will be available for viewing at the public meeting. This and other public information is also on file and available for public inspection at the TxDOT Brownwood District Office located at 2495 North US Highway 183, Brownwood, TX 76802.
All interested persons are invited to attend this meeting and express their views on the proposed project. Written comments from the public regarding this project are requested, and may be submitted in person at the meeting. Following the meeting, written comments may be submitted in person or by mail to: Texas Department of Transportation, Brownwood District Office, 2495 US 183 North, Brownwood, Texas 76802. Written comments must be postmarked by Friday, May 18, 2018 to be included in the official public meeting summary.
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