NOTE: The “Leading Ladies of Brownwood” series will feature a selection of women in Brownwood that have make a positive impact on the lives of those around them. Whether by profession, or pastime, these women offer a rich contribution to the fabric of our community.
Written by Ben Cox – This week’s leading lady is no stranger to hungry folks in Brownwood: Kim Bruton. I sat down with Kim and asked her our list of questions for each Leading Lady article, and here are her responses.
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What is your current profession/What do you do?
I work at the Runaway Train Café-owner operator, rental houses, chase children
Where were you born? Where did you grow up?
Irving, TX.
Are your parents still around?
My dad lives here (in Brownwood), he’s been here for several years now, and my mom passed away a couple of weeks ago.
What are some of your fondest memories of childhood?
Kinda’ runnin’ wild in the neighborhood, with all the other neighborhood kids. Playing hide and go seek in each other’s yards, and roofs, and creeks. Going to the convenient store and playing Mrs. Pacman, stuff like that.
Who left a lasting impression upon you that still is with you today?
I would say my grandfather, my dad’s dad. He just, was very consistent. He’d been on Iwo Jima, he was a Marine. He grew up in Brownwood, he had an integrity to him.
What do you hope your legacy will be?
I guess, umm, when I was in high school I worked in a pharmacy, Mason’s Pharmacy. It was this little family-owned place and Mr. and Mrs. Mason were there, she did all the books and he was the pharmacist. He was older, and he didn’t “do business” with people, he “traded with them.” They had their own in-store credit account, they delivered even then, and just really cared about people. Here at The Train I hope that’s the environment that we have here for people. On any given day I can look around there’s people who have just suffered a loss, or are sick, or are maybe celebrating birthdays, or have people in from out of town and want to come here because they’re proud of this place and that feeling they get here. Also, the people that work here, they all go off, I like to hire younger people out front who care about others. This is just a season for them, but I hope that they’ll go off and wherever they go I hope they’ll carry that same burden to treat people well, love on people wherever they are.
What’s one lesson that you would like your children to take with them into adulthood?
I guess that success isn’t measured in dollars, it’s measured in time. I would want whatever they spend their time doing has some sort of meaning and a positive impact on others around them
Because that’s what matters. At the end of the day its about theses relationships, everything else is just stuff.
How has living in Brownwood shaped your life?
It’s shaped my life in so many different ways. When I first moved here I was not a believer (in Christ). The people that came in here and loved on me and counseled me over the years were instrumental for me coming to that point in my life. And I really don’t know, that had it not been for that, I wouldn’t have that foundation now.
If you could speak to yourself as a High School freshman, what would you say to yourself?
STOP IT! (laughs)
What is one goal for yourself/family that you haven’t achieved yet?
I dunno that it’s a goal, but I have 5 sons, and my oldest is a senior this year, and I am excited about seeing how he is going to be used as he goes out in whatever he chooses to do as a career, and what partner he ends up with to share his life with. For each of my kids I’m excited about them experiencing that adventure into adulthood.
How do you feel you have impacted Brownwood?
Well, I hope positively. I feel like in Brownwood, I dunno, there’s just such a network of people out trying to promote Bronwwood and make it a better place to be. There are so many times through-out the day where people will come in, and maybe they’ve come from the Star of Texas Bed & Breakfast, or maybe they’ve come from the (Lehnis) Railroad Museum, or wherever. Other people have told them and recommended they come here if they’re not our regulars and I hope that this is just that place they can send people and they’ll be cared for. So, I hope that that’s kind of my lane and this gives that option to people.
What is one thing you’d like to see for the future of Brownwood?
Well, there’s a lot of negativity, that it’s “Deadwood,” or it’s this or that, like people are stuck here. I don’t have that feeling at all, this is the only place I would wanna be. I know there’s a lot of different websites and stuff and people generating a lot of anger towards the leaders in Brownwood, the city in general. I just would hope that those people would step up and serve in some capacity and realize that people are doing the best they can. We all have the same goal, we all live here, our kids are here, I think we all want it to be the best it can be.
What makes you proud to live in Brownwood?
Those same things, I’m proud to live here because of the people that are here. At Christmas we do our Frito Pie thing here at The Train, and hundreds of people come. Hundreds. In three hours and people jump in, everybody is willing to jump in and help wherever its needed. My mom passed away a couple weeks ago and everywhere I went, people were talking to me about it. The checker at Kroger hugged me and said she loved me and was so sorry. (You) just get to know people everywhere you go, it’s a true community. I’m proud of that, it’s not something I’ve experienced living anywhere else.
What does it mean to you to be considered one of the “Leading Ladies of Brownwood?
Well it is an honor, it’s flattering. I think it’s somewhat comical because I don’t consider myself as polished as the people that come to my mind when I think of Leading Ladies here. It does confirm for me that this is my lane and that hopefully my gifts are being used here.
Thank you, Kim, for your time and for everything you do as a Leading Lady of Brownwood. To suggest a candidate for future articles, email Ben Cox at [email protected]