Written by Amanda Coers – Tisha Pruett was found guilty of stealing over $23,000 from the Greenleaf Cemetery Association and sentenced to eight years in prison with a court order to pay restitution on Thursday, January 4th, by 35th District Judge Steve Ellis. Visibly angry, Judge Ellis called Pruett’s crime “selfish and greedy,” as he pronounced sentencing.
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He continued, calling the shopping spree perpetrated by Pruett with an unauthorized debit card, “months of deception of people who trusted you. The sense of entitlement… that your needs are more important than the people you betrayed.”
Prosecutor Elisha Bird presented evidence throughout the day that Tisha Pruett, while working as the office manager in 2014 for Greenleaf Cemetery, had gained access to a debit card for one of the cemetery association’s bank accounts and proceeded to use that card almost daily for frivolous purchases that included countless trips to fast food restaurants, gas stations, hotel stays, clothing and household items, and even ATM withdrawals for $100 and $200 amounts.
Former association board members testified they were very sure Pruett had also likely stolen cash donations that were brought into the office as receipts were not issued to donors. Current President of the Greenleaf Cemetery Association Board Steve Harris informed the court that the association lost their non-profit status because Pruett had not filed important tax documentation.
Harris, who has three generations of his family buried in the historic cemetery, called the financial condition left after Pruett’s theft “dire.”
Sadly, this wasn’t the first time Tisha Pruett had stolen from a nonprofit organization.
Testimony offered in court detailed Tisha and her husband, Josh, had stolen more than $7,000 from the Early Girls Softball Association during Josh’s tenure as the board president in 2014. The pair gained access to a debit card and used it to purchase groceries, more fast food dinners, toys for their children, even pet items for the family’s puppy. It was only when a local business contacted other board members seeking payment for t-shirt orders that the theft was discovered.
The former softball association treasurer told the court she “felt sick,” when she realized there was only $8 in the bank account that had once held thousands.
Both Tisha and Josh were placed on deferred adjudication and ordered to pay the money back to the association, as well as complete community service hours and pay court costs.
But the Pruett’s probation officers called the pair “non compliant” in court, testifying they were both way behind on probation fees and court costs, and neither had come close to completing community service hours, with Tisha only completing 13 of the 160 hours ordered over two years ago.
“Her actions have shown probation is not a priority for her,” Wanda Barnhart, Pruett’s probation officer, told Judge Ellis.
Since the scandal with the softball and cemetery associations the Pruetts moved to Moody, Texas, where they pastor two small Methodist Churches. Tisha told the court the church was aware of their criminal history.
With both prosecution and defense resting, Judge Ellis was quick to pronounce sentencing, ordering Tisha Pruett to be immediately taken into custody to begin her eight-year term.
The Early Girls Softball Association has since recovered, but the Greenleaf Cemetery Association is left devastated by the financial hit. The cemetery was forced to cut back on desperately needed grounds maintenance staff and other personnel.
The cemetery association board, wounded by the betrayal, is now scrambling to coordinate fundraisers to save the historic burial grounds.
If you would like to help Greenleaf Cemetery with a financial donation, please do so in one of the following ways:
- For non-tax deductible donations – Make checks payable to Greenleaf Cemetery and indicate on the memo line if you would like your donation earmarked for a specific program. Mail your check to Greenleaf Cemetery P.O.Box 455. Brownwood, Texas 76804-0455
- For tax deductible donations – Make check payable to Keep Brownwood Beautiful and write “Greenleaf Project” on the memo line. Mail your check to Greenleaf Cemetery P.O.Box 455. Brownwood, Texas 76804-0455