Press Release — Brownwood Regional Medical Center (BRMC) has named Glenn Schroeder, PT as 2016 Employee of the Year. This award is the highest honor bestowed on a hospital employee each year. Glenn Schroeder was chosen from among 550 employees for the honor.
“Health care requires a special blend of great people skills, tireless energy and the ability to work well under pressure,” says Chip Camp, Chief Executive Officer. “People who work in health care share the common desire to help others and make a difference in people’s lives. It is a pleasure to recognize our employees for their dedication to our patients and to providing outstanding care.”
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Employees are nominated for the award by their hospital peers based on their commitment to patient care, their professionalism, and their contributions on the job.
Glenn Schroeder, PT has worked for BRMC since July 1998 after moving back to Texas from a four year stint in Colorado. He graduated from Texas Tech in 1991 and practiced in a small rural town non-profit hospital in Colorado for three years where he worked as an outpatient therapist focusing on patients in area nursing homes, patients with home health organizations, area schools and the hospital patients. During his time at the small hospital, he also volunteered as an EMT with the local ambulance service and taught CPR.
Glenn shared, “In healthcare we see things that break our hearts but the reward is being a part of the recovery process that allows them to return to the “quality of life” we all hope to retain.”
Ann Glasscock, Director of Physical Medicine said, “Glenn is an employee who quietly supports any fellow staff when they are in need. He is there for fellow employees during good times (birth of baby) and bad times (illnesses). Glenn is and is an extremely caring coworker who is also pleasant and kind to his patients He brings years of experience and a wealth of knowledge to our team and genuinely cares about his patients and is willing to accommodate his patient’s schedule; so, they may feel better soon.
“Each of our employees has a specific role in the delivery of quality health care to the people who live and work in the Brownwood/Brown County area,” said Camp, CEO. “Our success in meeting the needs of the patients we serve is dependent on the collective efforts of all employees.”