BISD Press Release – Brownwood ISD’s Community Relations Coordinator, Charles Musgrove, was recognized at the 2017 Texas School Public Relations Association Convention, which was held in February in Galveston, with four awards. Mr. Musgrove won the top honor of Best of Category with his Gold Star print advertisement entitled “Enter the Future Prepared.” He garnered two other Gold Star Awards for the newly revised Brownwood ISD Seal in the Logo, Trademark and Symbol category and for a Classroom Subject Photo entitled Stick Horse Calvary. His fourth award, a Silver Star, recognized his photography work for the Dallas Huston Walk of Champions Photo – Gordon Wood Stadium.
The Texas School Public Relations Association (TSPRA) is a statewide professional organization comprised of Community Relations Directors, Journalists, Photographers, and other Media Specialists from public school districts across Texas. TSPRA offers their members a chance to compete in submitted works in order to sharpen the skills of their members and recognize the excellence in work that these professional provide to their local school districts and communities on a regular basis. Mr. Musgrove has been a member of TSPRA since 2011 and has accumulated 18 TSPRA recognitions and awards during that time.
Priscilla Monson, BISD’s Executive Director of Community Relations, said, “Brownwood ISD is extremely fortunate to have someone of Mr. Musgrove’s talents on staff. Whether Charlie is behind a computer, a camera, or a screen, his work is nothing short of professional, technically advanced and true to the nature of excellence that is set as a BISD standard. We are so proud to see him receive the recognition he so richly deserves.”
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