The City of Early Beautification Commission held their annual Lighting of the Christmas Tree festival on Tuesday, November 29th at the intersection of Early Blvd and Garmon Drive at 6 p.m.
The festival included performances by the Early Primary, Elementary, Middle School and High School Choirs, Early Middle School and High School Bands, Early Purple Pride Drill Team, and the Early Belles. Hot chocolate and cookies were provided by United Supermarkets. Santa Clause was also present, courtesy of the Early Volunteer Fire Department.
“This was a great event, attended by a record crowd,” said Early City Manager, Tony Aaron. “There are so many people that helped to make this happen, and I want to thank them all. Thanks to the greater Early community for making this a great place to live.”
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A new addition to the Beautification Commission Christmas Lights will be lights and decorations at Early Blvd and 183 N intersections. All of this is made possible by the $1 donation that Early resident’s pay on their monthly water bill each month. The Beautification Commission encourages all residents and businesses with the City of Early to help light up Early by participating in a Christmas Lighting Contest, decorating homes and businesses for the holidays.