The Brownwood Regional Medical Center Volunteers are privileged to announce the election and installation of the 2016 – 2017 Officers during their 47th Awards Luncheon held on Thursday, May 19, 2016, at the Brownwood Country Club. The new officers will assume their respective offices effective June 1, 2016.
The 2016 – 2017 BRMC Volunteer Officers are pictured above: (Left to right) Joy Ivy – President, Donna Burleson – President Elect, Leona Jerden – Vice President -Membership, Reta Bell – Assistant Treasurer, Elaine Centofanti – Treasurer, Joyce Curbo – Secretary, JoAnn Goodwin – Parliamentarian, and Jim Ruder – Publicity. Each new officer was given a flowered pen, whose color represented the responsibilities of their respective offices. The actions of each of the officers will write the historical record of the Brownwood Regional Volunteers during the 2016 – 2017 year. Leona Jerden, 2015 – 2016 BRMC Volunteers Parliamentarian, conducted the installation ceremony.
The BRMC Volunteers are always excited to meet area individuals who are interested in becoming a volunteer and are actively soliciting new members. If you have an interest in volunteering a minimum of 6 to 8 hours per month, BRMC Volunteering will meet your needs. BRMC Volunteer applications may be obtained in the BRMC Gift Shop, at the front entrance information desk, online at or by calling the BRMC Volunteer office at 325-649-3399 or emailing at [email protected] and stating that you would like to become a BRMC Volunteer. Those who have an interest in volunteering may also contact Andrea Lee, BRMC Marketing Coordinator, at 325-649-3392.