Brown County voters are encouraged to get to polls to vote in the Runoff Election on Tuesday, May 24th which includes local race of Brown County Commissioner for Precinct 1 between incumbent Gary Worley and challenger Tommy Blevins.
Statewide, other races include Railroad Commissioner candidates; Judge, Criminal Court of Appeals, Places 2 & 5; State Senator, District 24.
CLICK HERE to view the sample Republican ballot. CLICK HERE to view the sample Democratic ballot.
Election Day polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. at the following locations.
101 Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, 1800 Good Shepherd, Brownwood, TX 76801
105 Southside Baptist Church, 1219 Indian Creek Dr., Brownwood, TX 76801
109 Brookesmith High School, 13400 FM 586 S, Brookesmith, TX 76827
113 New Life Assembly of God Church, 1910 Indian Creek Rd.
202, 204 Adams Street Community Center, 511 E. Adams St., Brownwood, TX 76801
212 May Community Center, 19150 Hwy 183 N, May, TX 76857
214 Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, Holder (14501 CR 405 N, May, TX 76857)
215 Crossroads Baptist Church, 6400 Park Road 15, Brownwood, TX 76801
303 East Elementary School, 2700 Vincent, Brownwood, TX 76801
306 Early Community Center, 419 Garmon Dr. (Highway 84), Early, TX 76802
307 First United Methodist Church, 517 Main, Blanket, TX 76432
308 Zephyr Community Center, 11275 CR 281 (Highway 84), Zephyr, TX 76890
316, 318 NorthRidge Baptist Church, 4875 Hwy. 183 N., Early, TX 76802
410 Bangs Community Center, 406 Spencer, Bangs, TX 76823
411 Coggin Avenue Baptist Church, 1806 Coggin Ave, Brownwood, TX 76801, Sunday School Bldg.
417 Rocky Creek Baptist Church, 4301 CR 557 & HWY 279, Brownwood, TX 76801
For more information or questions, please contact the Elections Administrators Office 325-646-4333.