The Brownwood Fire Marshal, Buddy Preston, and his canine partner Nika recently received a new Chevy Tahoe as their work vehicle.
The Tahoe is a fully equipped vehicle, complete with a spacious canine compartment with a bed and secured water dish, a K-9 Heat Alert System. This system protects Nika by automatically rolling down the windows and turning on the fan when the vehicle is powered off. It also honks the horn when the inside of the vehicle rises above a preset temperature. The rear cargo compartment is also useful to Preston to transports fire safety awareness materials, supplies or equipment.
Preston stated that the vehicle sits lower and will help Nika to have a longer service career. He stated that most service dogs have to retire due to hip problems from jumping into the higher profile trucks like his last vehicle, a 2003 Chevy.
Pictured above is Preston and Nika with the new vehicle. Below Nika rests inside the Tahoe.