The Brown County Sheriff’s Office recently finished its second wave of the S.T.E.P. program, during Spring Break, March 4-21, 2016.
During this wave there were 34 stops made looking for impaired driving. There was one DWI arrest during this wave. Of the 34 Stops made there were 31 warnings issued and 11 citations issued.
The Brown County Sheriff’s Office stepped up patrols, looking for impaired drivers both D.W.I. (driving while intoxicated) and D.U.I. (driving under the influence) with the help of the S.T.E.P. Grant, which is used to fund overtime pay for patrol. The Impaired Driving Mobilization grant is structured as a four (4) wave grant which includes Christmas/New Year’s holiday December 18, 2015 until January 3, 2016; Spring Break March 4, 2015 until March 21, 2016; Independence Day June 24, 2016 until July 5, 2016; and Labor Day August 19, 2016 until September 5, 2016.
“The Brown County Sheriff’s Office wants to thank each person who chose to have a sober ride during this last wave and urges the public to continue to plan ahead when consuming alcohol,” stated BSCO Captain James Stroope.
TxDOT and Brown County Sheriff’s Office remind everyone of the consequences, “Drink Drive Go to Jail.”
TxDOT’s “Plan while You Can” anti-DUI campaign is running concurrently with these stepped up patrols through New Year’s. Visit to find alternatives to drinking and driving, such as:
- Calling a taxi or using a transportation app on your smartphone
- Using mass transit
- Asking a sober friend or family member for a ride home
- Spending the night
Pictured above, Captain Stroope (right), Investigator Nathan Land, and Deputy Shade Tidwell display a banner promoting the campaign.