Brownwood Middle School was recently highlighted as a Partner School of the Month by Ascend, a program for helping students fill skill gaps in grade level content. A brief summary provided by Ascend stated that, “last school year, 73% of Brownwood students in need of intervention gained one or more grade levels in math with 33% gaining two or more grade levels. They used Ascend Math as a 20-minute warm-up block to start the day to try to better prepare students for grade level content by targeting skill gaps from previous years. This year they are focusing on helping 7th and 8th grade Special Education students. More than 38% of special ed. students using Ascend Math for at least an hour have gained one or more grade levels.”
BMS math teacher, Stephanie Johnson is utilizing the program this year and students have once again made grade level gains in math. “The students have been working hard on Ascend Math. At the beginning of the year students set a goal of which level they would like to advance to,” explained Johnson. “Most of them set very hefty goals to progress three or four levels. They have about an hour a week to work and are making great strides.”
Brownwood Superintendent, Dr. Joe Young also noted the improvements during the Brownwood Board of Trustees meeting on Tuesday, March 15th, providing the board with the grade level gains and statistics reported by Ascend.
“Ascend Math added a ‘Base Camp’ which is a game area where they earn time through the lessons completed. That has helped tremendously in keeping them engaged,” added Johnson. “Students are bridging their gaps at an individualized level much more than one teacher can provide. I’m very proud of my students and the progress they’ve made towards their goals.”
Pictured above: BMS 8th grade students Arron Aguilar and Bradley Darrow have completed a full grade level in Ascend Math. Below are BMS 7th graders Kaden Slatton-Boyd, Zachary Holland, and Kyla King have completed a grade level in Ascend Math. (Not pictured: Payton Williams)