Early Middle School Robotics teams recently competed at the inaugural San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo Robotics Competition. A total of 79 teams competed at this first ever competition at a stock show and rodeo. Teams from all over the state of Texas competed at the February 11th event in San Angelo, Texas.
First place, Advanced Intermediate Robotics Team, grades 4-8th, was from Early Middle School. The team accepted the first ever silver belt buckles given at a robotics competition. #Power included team members Austin Ortiz, Chevy Fulton, Ty McConn, and Kannon Vogt. Winning a plaque as the 3rd place Advanced Intermediate Robotics Team was Early Middle School 8th graders Rock’em Sock’em including Madison Green, Allison Leach and Morgan Kent. Both teams are coached by EMS science teacher Tami Hull.
Accepting their belt buckles as the first place Advanced Intermediate Robotics team at the San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo are (L-R) Coach Tami Hull, Austin Ortiz, Chevy Fulton, Ty McConn, and Kannon Vogt (pictured at top).
Pictured below, the third place Advanced Intermediate Robotics team at the San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo are (L-R) Coach Tami Hull, Madison Green, Allison Leach, and Morgan Kent.