Wright Asphalt, headquartered in Houston, is in the process of constructing a new state-of-the-art asphalt manufacturing facility located in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Brownwood. The company entered into an Industrial District Agreement with the City and it is estimated that construction will be completed in 6 to 8 weeks.
The new facility is located on a 10-acre tract of land, purchased from the Brownwood Industrial Foundation, on the southwest corner of the intersection of Stephen F. Austin Avenue and Custer Road.
Waldrop Construction of Brownwood is performing the site preparation work, and is currently in the process of clearing land for an additional two storage tanks.
Wright Asphalt is the leader in the research and development of Tire Rubber Modified Asphalt Cement Technology (TRMAC) that provides a durable asphalt product with superior performance and is specifically designed and modified for each state and region’s unique specifications. None of the asphalt produced at this facility contains any toxic materials. The hazardous material placards on trucks that transport the asphalt are only there because of the over 300 degree temperature of the mix.
For more information about Wright Asphalt Product Company, please visit their website: