Registration for Howard Payne University’s annual Summer Scholars and Young Scholars day camps will end Monday, July 6. The camps, which provide educational and fun activities for students entering first through sixth grades, will take place July 13 through 17 from 9 a.m. to noon each day.
This year’s theme is “Energy Wars,” with a focus on energy conservation, including light bulbs, wind, electricity, oil, gas and water.
Summer Scholars, for students entering fourth through sixth grades, will have classes in robotics, 3-D printing, science and physical education. For students entering first through third grades, Young Scholars will have classes in robotics, science, music and physical education.
Cost is $100 per child and includes tuition, supplies, a daily snack and a t-shirt. Parents may register and pay online at All classes will take place at HPU’s Newman Hall located at the corner of Coggin and Austin Avenues in Brownwood.
“Spaces are filling fast, so we encourage those interested to register soon,” said Dr. Julie Welker, director of the programs, professor of communication and chair of HPU’s Department of Communication Studies.
For more information, visit the website listed above or contact Dr. Welker by phone at (325) 649-8508 or by e-mail at [email protected].