If you simply eliminate 100 calories from your diet per day – or burn 100 more calories per day – and do this every day for a year, you’ll lose 10 pounds! Sound too good to be true? Go ahead and check the math:
1 pound = 3,500 calories
10 pounds = 35,000 calories
35,000 calories / 365 days = 95.8 calories/day
Okay, so it’s not exactly 100, but it’s close enough and makes it easy to remember. For example, you don’t see food manufacturers advertising 95.8-calorie snack packs.
Speaking of those snack packs … be careful with them. Some people expect to magically lose weight by powering down those packs. But they’re often nothing more than processed flour and sugar. They’re not all bad, though – when eaten in moderation (and if you can stick to only eating one pack!) 100-calorie snack packs are a great option for splurging while practicing portion control.
If you’re going to eat 100 calories, try to make them count by choosing fresh fruits and vegetables, smart snacks, and well-balanced meals.
And remember, the math problem works the opposite way, too – if you add 100 calories per day, you’ll gain 10 extra pounds in a year. Those 100 calories may not seem like enough to make a difference, but they quickly add up over a short period of time!
Here are 10 easy ways to cut 100 calories each day:
• Cut back on coffee creamer: It contains 35 calories per little packet/cuplet – 3 cups of coffee and you’re at 100 calories (watch how much sugar or honey you add, too!)
• Eliminate one soft drink per day (a 12-ounce soda contains about 136 calories).
• Lighten up your omelet or scrambled eggs by using 3 egg whites instead of 2 whole eggs to save about 95 calories (just make sure to pack in your protein later!).
• Have your sandwich on a 4″ pita (77 calories) instead of a 3-1/2″ egg bagel (197 calories).
• Choose nonfat milk instead of whole milk – you’ll cut an easy 100 calories in 2 servings per day.
• Use unsweetened applesauce instead of sugar when baking. One cup of unsweetened applesauce contains only about 100 calories, while a cup of sugar can contain more than 750!
• Eat a full orange instead of drinking a 12oz. glass of orange juice to save 105 calories (plus you get a fiber bonus)!
• Instead of tortilla chips, dip celery sticks into your favorite salsa or hummus. Snack your way to being 110 calories ahead of the game.
• When dinner rolls around, order a skinless chicken breast, which packs an average 102 calories LESS than a chicken breast with skin.
• Instead of smothering your veggies in butter, try 3oz. of your favorite hot sauce to save 117 calories.
For more information, please contact Kim Miles, County Extension Agent – Family & Consumer Sciences at 325-646-0386 or [email protected].