VFW Post 3278 hosted District 8 Veterans of Foreign Wars this weekend during its annual convention. During the event, the District and the Posts with their Auxiliaries held their Joint Memorial Service to honor their members whom had passed away this year. The District also observed Victory in Europe on its 70th Anniversary. Two of the District’s World War II Veterans’ were present. After the formal program, the members of the Districts’ Posts and the Auxiliaries were given the honor of shaking the hands of the Veterans.
Pictured above, from left, are Vice Commander Dewey Hasty (seated), Vice Commander Kevin Wade (seated), District 8 Commander James Masters, Mr. Dewey Struck-WWII Veteran from Eastland VFW Post-served in the Army Air Forces in the Southwest Pacific, and Mr. Ray Vaughn-WWII Veteran from Eastland VFW Post-served in the United States Navy in the Central Pacific.
Over 150 VFW members with their Auxiliaries attended the convention in Brownwood. The District consists of 12 Posts throughout central and west Texas. James and Jane Masters of VFW Post 3278 in Brownwood were reelected to lead the VFW District and the Ladies Auxiliary.