I had a whole other column in the works but after today, I decided to put it on hold.
This afternoon, while I was at work, I received a very interesting phone call from Kiera’s older sister, Moriah.
“I had to call and tell you what Kiera just told me.” She said while laughing. “It was too funny to try and tell you in a text.”
I automatically sat back in my chair preparing myself for a Kiera moment. “What did she say?” I asked as I started going through the possibilities in my head. I was so not prepared for her next words.
Kiera said to Moriah, “Who will I marry when I get to be a big girl?”
“What?” Moriah replied. Honestly, that would have been my response to Kiera as well.
“I don’t know who I will marry when I grow up to be a woman. I keep looking around town and I don’t see anyone good enough.” Kiera responded.
Moriah laughed as she repeated the conversation to me. “I had to call and tell you. It was so random! She just said that and went on her way.”
Perfect. She is FOUR! I know. I know. I tell y’all that often. But, the topic of marriage? I thought that topic was still a few years away.
After getting off the phone with Moriah, I quickly shared the conversation with Aaron. Let’s just say I took it better than he did.
I’m really not sure what has piqued her interest in marriage. Tonight as she lay on our bed she asked Aaron, “Why did you and Mommy get married?”
I’m beginning to miss the simple questions, like “Why did God make families?”
Tonight, I had to catch up on laundry and housework. We have been so busy lately. We had clean clothes…they just were beginning to overtake the laundry basket. I think there was talk of a revolt if they weren’t soon put away properly.
We ate dinner and all came in the bedroom to begin the process of folding and putting away the mammoth size pile of laundry that I had dumped on the bed.
Now, I am 30-something years old. I’ll let you guess the something part of the 30. I’m telling you this because I always thought I knew how to fold clothes. After 30 years of folding clothes, I thought I had the hang of it. I was obviously mistaken.
“I will fold the rags.” Kiera stated as she folded then rolled the washrags.
I beamed at my sweet, adorable helper. “Thank you, baby. I really appreciate the help.”
She picked up one of Aaron’s socks and began to fold it. Not roll it with another sock or pair it…she folded it. I made the mistake of commending her on a job well done. “That’s really impressive, baby.” I was actually impressed that she folded a sock.
“Thank you.” She responded. “Daddy, let me show you how to fold socks.” She went to his side of the bed and demonstrated sock folding. Then she watched as Aaron attempted it.
“You did very good!” She exclaimed as he finished folding the sock. “Daddy is a fast learner.”
I smiled and continued to fold clothes. I placed my folded t-shirt on the end of the bed only to hear a deep sigh from Kiera.
“Mommy, that’s not where that goes.” She chided. “It goes over here.” She picked up my shirt and placed it on top of another pile.
My darling husband decided to help my case. “Mommy, doesn’t know what she is doing, does she?” He said while laughing.
“No, she doesn’t know. She doesn’t have skills.” Kiera sighed again. “She has to be learned.”
I have skills! I can fold a fitted sheet!! That takes skill!
I went to the closet and begin to hang Aaron’s shirts. By this time, Kiera had moved on to folding underwear. I walked back to the bed and folded more t-shirts. Instead of placing them on the growing stack and chancing an avalanche, I made a second pile.
It was at that point my child smacked her hand to her forehead and let out a groan.
Aaron, who obviously has skills that I do not have, chuckled and said, “Mommy must have really messed up that time.”
I glared and refrained from chunking clothes at him for fear I would be put to task for messing up a pile.
Finally, we managed to finish the mammoth sized pile of laundry while avoiding any more conversations of marriage or my lack of skills.
For now, we are in the clear. Laundry is done, kitchen is clean and my little laundry tyrant is asleep. Who knows what tomorrow will bring!