The Good Samaritan Ministries’ Empty Bowls Project will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday, March 24 at the Brownwood Coliseum.
For a $10 donation, diners can choose a hand-painted ceramic bowl and enjoy a simple meal of soup and water. At the end of the meal, take the empty bowl home to serve as a reminder of those who have empty bowls and empty stomachs. All soup is provided by local restaurants and the bowls have been painted by many different groups in the community.
There will be a store on site to purchase unique items donated from local businesses. This year there will also be door prizes awarded throughout the event.
For a $25 ticket, come from 9:30 to 10:30 for the Bowl Preview and have first pick of the bowls available. There are only 50 of these tickets available.
Pre-sale tickets are also available at Good Samaritan Ministries. All proceeds go to fight hunger. Ninety percent stays in Brown County for the hunger ministries of GSM: food pantry, Food for Thought, Deer Project, Pig Project, Senior Care and Homebound and homeless food boxes. Ten percent is tithed to an organization that fights hunger internationally.
For more information, please call 643-2273.