I’m not a huge sports fan. Never really have been.
My brother is a sports fan. The fantasy team, ESPN, watches his team every chance he gets kinda sports fan.
I enjoy a good ball game. Be it baseball, basketball, or football. But, I never developed a true heart for sports that many of my peers did.
I was the theater kid, the creative type, the kid who kinda knew everyone in school.
Don’t get me wrong, I stand up and shout at the TV when I think something’s gone wrong against the team I’m rooting for. I’ll be loud and proud, till the game’s over and it’s no longer a question of whether I’m a fan or not.
In all honesty I’m really just trying to make myself look like more of a fan than I am. And I’m sure it’s glaringly obvious to my more sports minded friends. (Bless them for letting me have that one, and not calling me out as an imposter!)
With all the recent hullabaloo over the college football playoffs, I was wondering in my head “What do all these things mean? How do they actually determine who gets in the playoffs and why is it certain teams instead of others?” (OK, I know a lot of you were also wondering that, but you have the benefit of the knowledge of the game to back you up and make you credible in your arguments! I have to hope and pray I simply sound coherent!)
I’m not even an armchair quarterback. I don’t have the knowledge. I’m more of a loveseat fullback. (That’s a real position, right?) I’ll sit next to the armchair quarterback and yell for who he tells me to. And he is usually good enough to let me make my noise and sound like I know what I’m saying and not comment on my probably innumerable gaffs in my sports terminology.
I only hope I’m as gracious to him when he strays into my area of expertise and starts trying to seem like he belongs.
I hope I “let them have that one” when they need.
Ben Cox is the host of “Ben Cox in the Morning” weekday mornings from 6 to 9 on KQBZ, 96.9 FM in Brownwood Texas. He is the in-stadium voice of the Howard Payne Yellow Jackets football team and is also a mobile DJ for weddings, parties and the like. He can be contacted via this website.
The thoughts and comments reflected in this column are those of the writer alone, and do not necessarily reflect those of Wendlee Broadcasting, or its affiliates.