Early ISD through their After School Centers on Education (ACE) Program will host Hidden in Plain Sight: What Every Parent Needs to Know Now on Friday, October 24th from 6:30 p.m. through the 3rd quarter of the Early High School Football game at Longhorn Stadium in Early. The public is invited to attend.
Hidden in Plain Sight is a FREE community initiative of the CARES Coalition to help educate parents on possible signs of drug and alcohol use by teens. A teenager’s bedroom is replicated to allow parents to “snoop” around to find indicators of drug use and hiding spots. Also participating in the event is Early Police Corporal Brandon McMillian who will teach parents what certain drugs look like and what items can be used as drug paraphernalia.
“This event really is an eye opener for parents,” said McMillian who also leads the EISD Dare to Dream Program (formerly known as D.A.R.E.).
In prevention parents are often told to monitor their teen and watch for warning signs of drug abuse or other risky behaviors. The problem is parents often do not know what to look for. This innovative approach will allow parents to search for possible signs and indicators with guided support and educational resources.
Hidden in Plain Sight is not for children, this is an adult only exhibit.
Parents of teenagers are encouraged to attend at no cost. Those who come to the stadium just for the Hidden in Plain Sight exhibit will be able to enter the stadium for no charge according to ACE coordinator Kerri Jacobson.