Fifteen members of the BHS A Cappella Choir competed in the 2nd round of all state auditions on Saturday, October 11, 2014.
The following five BHS A Cappella members were chosen for district choir: Abigail Ibarra (Alto 1), Kylee McCoy (Alto 2), Jack Robinson (Tenor 1), Caleb Bostick (Tenor 2), and Cade Patteson (Tenor 2).
Listed below are four BHS A Cappella members were chosen for region choir: McKenna McDonald (Alto 1), Albert Nguyen (Tenor 2), Chevy Robertson (Bass 2), and Kalin Young (Bass 2).
The District & Region Concert will be held November 15th at Weatherford High School.
Region choir members Kalin Young, Albert Nguyen and Chevy Robertson will compete in the final round of the all-state auditions in January in Midland. McKenna McDonald will also compete as an alternate.
Pictured above are (back row, left to right) Kalin Young – senior, Chevy Robertson – junior, Cade Patteson – junior; (middle row) Jack Robinson – sophomore, Abigail Ibarra – junior, Caleb Bostick – junior; and (front row) Albert Nguyen – junior, McKenna McDonald – junior and not pictured is Kylee McCoy – sophomore.