The Brownwood Independent School District’s Board of Trustees is poised to take action regarding Superintendent Dr. Reece Blincoe’s contract after discussion in closed session at a special called board meeting to be held at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 23rd.
In a previous meeting held September 8th, board members discussed Blincoe’s contract in closed executive session with no action.
Board President Michael Cloy by board policy is the only trustee that is authorized to speak on behalf of the board and offered limited information on the matter. He did confirm that the board was reviewing Blincoe’s contract, but offered no details of the discussion other than stating that no action occurred regarding the matter at the previous meeting.
Cloy confirmed, as the agenda states, that they discussed personnel matters, and that legally the issue could not be discussed. When questioned how personnel matters are handled by the district and if the public has opportunity to voice their concern Cloy explained that agreements of personnel matters are made in private with no public hearings.
“There will be no public hearings. There will be discussions in executive session, agreements are worked out in private, then in open session the decision is made by a vote (of the board members),” said Cloy. “All action must be taken in public.”
Cloy explained that due to laws and moral codes, “Unfortunately in school business there are things you the public are not able to be told (as a matter of privacy for the parties involved). Personnel or anything discussed in closed session, you cannot discuss.”
Cloy said that the public can voice their opinions on matters discussed in private session before a vote is taken. He stated, “Certainly they (trustees) want to know public opinion.” He also said that trustees are elected by Places (geographical districts); however, each board member represents the whole community and the public is welcome to call any or all board members with concerns.
Dr. Blincoe has been the superintendent of the BISD for over six years, and his contract will not expire until June 30 of 2017. Over the past two years, Blincoe has had overall, positive reviews of his performance confirmed by a unanimous board vote.
Dr. Blincoe said that he was not present during the executive session earlier this month and was asked to excuse himself so that the board could meet. He was not present for the discussion and stated that his attorney has been in contact with the board’s attorney but that no terms of an agreement for a buyout of his contract had been reached as of Friday morning.
According to Blinco’s Evaluation Instruments for 2012-2013 and 2013-2014, there were items the board asked Blincoe to improve. These items were listed with very brief information and included requests of improvement in areas such as school performance – bringing the campuses to “recognized or exemplary” status (particularly Coggin Avenue and Brownwood Accelerated High School), to “attempt to re-establish a positive relation with selected members of local business community upon recommendation of the board,” disciplinary matters of personnel along with its documentation and the superintendent’s “public persona” and respect toward board members. Dr. Blincoe stated that he has worked on all of those items the board recommended for improvement meeting all goals.
Dr. Blincoe’s contract currently includes a salary of $147,710 and benefits of $8400/year auto allowance, $125/month for electronic device service plans, and a healthcare allowance of $300/month for health insurance reimbursement. Blincoe is contracted to work 226 days for BISD each year. If the board approves a buyout of Blincoe’s contract, it could cost the district an estimated $250,000 – $500,000 depending on the agreed terms.
Those with concerns about the superintendent’s contract discussion are encouraged to contact BISD trustees to voice their opinion and to attend the BISD board of trustees’ special called meeting to be held at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 23rd. Item 4 on the agenda calls for audience participation where the public can address the board on any matter.