The Brownwood Lyric Theatre received notice on April 1, 2014 that a donor was committing to match every financial contribution or pledge the Lyric received up until May 31, 2014. The Lyric’s goal of $500,000 was set and is close to being matched; however, the public is asked to help raise the final $84,000 needed to reach the goal. The matching gift would make the $500,000 goal become $1,000,000 in funds for the Lyric to complete the renovation project.
These and previous fundraising efforts have raised more than $2,000,000 for the restoration project according to Lyric Managing Director Eric Evans.
When the Brownwood Lyric Theatre was notified that a donor was committing to match every financial contribution or pledge, word got out and people who love the Lyric began to come through with donations. Some long-time supporters sent in additional monies to help see the project to completion and new supporters began to contribute amounts from $15 to $15,000, according to Evans. As of Thursday, May 29th about 5:00 PM there have been funds of just over $416,000 contributed toward this $500,000 gift in the past 59 days.
The Lyric is making a final effort to encourage any and everyone that has an interest in this project to consider making a donation now. Donations may be made on the Lyric website at, by using the “click and pledge” button you make a secure contribution.
Information about the project can be found on the website at and on their Facebook page. Those interested can also contact Eric Evans, Lyric Managing Director at 325-998-2801 for information.